Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Empty Spaces

I recently read an article from the Journal of Commerce that painted a very bleak picture about the state of the warehousing industry in our country. The article (Stacking Up the Empties, by David Biederman) from June 2009 laid out the issues facing the storage industry very well and it made me realize just how far this industry is going to have to come in order to 'get back in the black'.

Besides finding it very accurate, I consider it a good read for anyone that thinks the storage and distribution industry is totally out of the woods in terms of cash flow and capacity problems. It just shows how extensively many firms are going to have to overhaul their business plans and supply chains in order to survive (and emerge victorious from!) these tough times. I recommend giving it a read if you're interested.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Logistically Minded Individual...

This space has been started as an outlet for my thoughts, discoveries, and questions related to this ever-changing field.

My goal is to build an e-environment that provides insight into the logistics of today's global economy while giving those in this field (and interested in this field) a forum to interact with those in different areas of the industry.

Additionally, I plan to build a strong foundation of industry-related links in hopes of making this site a one-stop shop for visitors seeking more information. I hope you enjoy!